CLRA ALberta Events

The CLRA Alberta Chapter hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Look below for more information and how you can get participate!

Annual Charity Golf Tournament:

Join us for some fun on the course! Each year, funds from the tournament are donated to Western Sky Land Trust.

Lunch & Learn Series:

Multiple times throughout the year, lunch and learn opportunities are provided. Check the event calendar for any current offerings.

Showcase Events

Dedicated to immersive experiences, Showcase events are focused on highlighting interesting and unique reclamation and remediation projects through engaging in-person field trips and networking events.

CLRA Alberta AGM & Conference:

Our conference welcomes over 600 delegates across different industry sectors (oil & gas, forestry, mining, municipalities, renewable resources), consulting companies, industry service providers, government and regulatory bodies, research institutes, academics, and post-secondary students.


RandomCoffee is an opportunity to meet other colleagues in the industry over a coffee or tea (or beer if you like!).


Click here to view all current events.