CLRA Ontario Chapter Webinar: Tom Peters' Legacy


*Update* Presentation Now Available

CLRA Ontario Chapter Webinar: Tom Peters' Legacy

Presentation Date: March 25, 2021

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Veronika Raizman, Manager, Reclamation & Geochemistry, Kirkland Lake Gold (KL)

Robyn Rumney, Research Project Manager, Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne

Jonathan Lavigne, Graduate Student, Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne

A presentation celebrating mine reclamation achievement in Ontario.


  • Research and Reclamation at Detour Lake Mine, presented by Veronika Raizman, Manager, Reclamation & Geochemistry, Kirkland Lake Gold (KL).

  • The effects of restoration on carbon storage in smelter-impacted industrial barrens, presented by Robyn Rumney, Research Project Manager, Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne.

  • Constraints on Northern Aggregate Pit Reclamation and Novel Reclamation Strategies for Enhancing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning.

Speaker Bios

Veronika Raizman, Manager, Reclamation & Geochemistry, Kirkland Lake Gold (KL)

Veronika Raizman is a Professional Geoscientist (ON) with ten years of laboratory and field experience in environmental science, geochemistry, and microbiology. She holds a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of Toronto. Her work in the mining industry focuses on 1) the planning and execution of mine reclamation, and 2) the prediction and management of metal leaching and acid rock drainage during all phases of the mining cycle, as well as mine waste characterization using static, kinetic, and field testing programs.

Robyn Rumney, Research Project Manager, Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne

Robyn Rumney is currently working as Research Project Manager for the L-CARE project (Landscape Carbon Accumulation through Reductions in Emissions) at Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON. She completed her M.Sc. Biology degree at Laurentian University in 2020, working with Dr. John Gunn and Dr. Nathan Basiliko to study the effects of tree-planting and soil amendments on carbon storage in Sudbury, ON. Robyn's research interests involve determining how to best manage landscape restoration to maximize carbon storage and other ecosystem services.

Jonathan Lavigne, Graduate Student, Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne

Johnathan Lavigne is currently a 1st year Ph.D. student in the Boreal Ecology program at Laurentian University. Johnathan was born and raised in Sudbury, ON, where he attended schools from the French Catholic School Board where he also played hockey competitively up to the major junior level (QJMHL). Subsequently, he earned a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree from Laurentian University’s Environment Science (Specialization) program. More recently, he earned a Master of Science in Biology degree with the N-SERC funded Landscape Carbon Accumulation through Reductions in Emissions project (L-CARE); again, from Laurentian University. There, Johnathan investigated the influence of micro-scale soil conditions and topography on a species-rich planting regime’s outcome. This research was part of a push from the City of Greater Sudbury regreening program to increase the survival rate and growth of their species richness planting regime in degraded, smelter-impacted upland environments. Currently. his Ph.D. research focuses primarily on the introduction of novel reclamation strategies (i.e. pulp and paper waste) used to improve soil fertility in mining impact areas.