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CLRA Alberta Chapter – Workshop Summary

Seventy-eight reclamation practitioners from government, industry, consulting, academia, and the services sector gathered in Edmonton on March 6, 2024, to highlight and discuss specific issues facing our industry, share potential improvement opportunities, and propose action items to develop solutions.

 Workshop participants were asked to address four topic areas and were allowed the opportunity to add comments on other topics during the day.  Four main topics included:

What does closure look like?

    • Best Practices

    • What Learnings should be shared across various industry sectors, and how can we support information exchange?

    • What new technology can be used to help reclamation programs?

 A summary report of the day was developed and is available for your review here.  Please review and let the CLRA know if you have any questions or any ideas on what to put forward from this data for the future.  Responses and ideas can be forwarded to the Stewardship Committee chair at

 The Workshop was well received and there is an appetite for similar events.  The committee is planning out our goals in the coming year so keep your eyes open for new events on the website and CLRA member emails!

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