clra alberta

Annual Charity Golf Tournament


The CLRA Alberta Chapter looks forward to hosting it’s charity golf tournament each year. The tournament is a wonderful net-working opportunity filled with fun hole contests and prizes.

The funds raised from this tournament are donated to Western Sky Land Trust.

2025 Tournament Details

August xx, 2025

The CLRA Alberta Chapter is excited to host the 16th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Innisfail Golf Club on August xx, 2025.

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Sponsorship & Registration

To secure a sponsorship opportunity and/or to register a team please complete the Sponsorship & Registration Form and subsequent Waiver Form for each team and/or sponsor. Successful sponsors will be notified once the selection process has been completed.

Sponsorship is available on a first-come, first-serve basis via time-stamped arrival of completed Sponsorship & Registration Form and signed Waiver Form.

2025 Golf Tournament Sponsors