IN-TECH Reclamation Award

In-tech Award (Individual) Nomination Terms of Reference Description

The IN-TECH Reclamation Award (Formerly the Noranda Land Reclamation Award) is one of three prestigious awards of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association / Association Canadienne de Réhabilitation des Sites Dégradés (CLRA/ACRSD). This award celebrates innovative techniques that advance the practice of reclamation in Canada within any sector of industry (i.e mining, forestry, oil & gas) .

The award is presented in recognition of outstanding contributions of the nominee in the areas of professional practice, teaching, research and/or regulatory development as they relate to innovation within the profession of land reclamation in Canada. Nominees should be widely recognized for their contributions in the field of land reclamation. The award will be presented to an individual person.

For the purpose of this award, the word reclamation will include facets of research, planning, developing, implementing, executing and teaching programs to establish conditions on disturbed or stressed land that will make the land useful.

In-tech Award (Group) Nomination Terms of Reference Description

The IN-TECH Reclamation Award (Formerly the Noranda Land Reclamation Award) is one of three prestigious awards of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association / Association Canadienne de Réhabilitation des Sites Dégradés (CLRA/ACRSD). This award celebrates innovative techniques that advance the practice of reclamation in Canada within any sector of industry (i.e mining, forestry, oil & gas).

The award is presented in recognition of outstanding contributions of the nominee in the areas of professional practice, teaching, research and/or regulatory development as they relate to innovation within the profession of land reclamation in Canada. Nominees should be widely recognized for their contributions in the field of land reclamation. The award will be presented to a group.

For the purpose of this award, the word reclamation will include facets of research, planning, developing, implementing, executing and teaching programs to establish conditions on disturbed or stressed land that will make the land useful.


  • Nominators must be members of CLRA/ACRSD in good standing (dues paid) at the time of the nomination.

  • Nominees will be considered for their contributions to land reclamation in Canada and may or may not be members of the CLRA/ACRSD; contributions to the CLRA/ACRSD will be an asset but not sufficient alone for eligibility.

  • The nominee must have been involved in land reclamation for a minimum of ten years at the time of the nomination.

  • The CLRA/ACRSD President, Vice-President and members of the Award Selection Committee are not eligible to be nominated or submit nominations during their term of office.

Nomination Procedures

Preparation of the best nomination possible for a colleague is a compliment to both the nominee and the nominators. The Award Selection Committee members may not be familiar with the qualifications of the nominees and, therefore, their evaluation and decision must be based upon the information presented in the nomination.

Three nominators are required for the nomination. Each nominator must sign the nomination letter. Electronic signatures are acceptable.

In fairness to all nominees, submissions must be complete and conform to a specific format. The nominators may seek the assistance of the nominee in supplying background information for use in preparing the nomination. This will help to ensure accurate, quality nominations. The clear identification and detailed description of the nominee’s contributions and achievements is the most important part of the nomination.

The nomination must be prepared according to the format presented in the following section. Each nomination must contain a cover page, documentation to support the nomination, justification for the nomination, and one copy of each of the signed supporting letters. 

One electronic copy of the completed nomination must be emailed to the CLRA/ACRSD Awards Committee Chair at least three months prior to the Annual General Meeting. The deadline for nominations will be posted each year on the CLRA/ACRSD website as soon as the date of the annual meeting has been set.

Selection of Award Recipient

The Award Selection Committee consists of the Awards Committee Chair, representatives from three CLRA/ACRSD chapter. None of these individuals can either make nominations or submit letters of recommendation.

One award will be given per year.

Nominations that do not meet all of the criteria or format requirements will not be considered. Nominations that exceed the size limitations or are not received by the deadline will not be considered to ensure fair and equitable evaluation of the nominations.

Nominee Supporting Documents

Documents if nominee is an individual:

Obtain a current curriculum vitae which must include the following:

  1. Education: Give degree, academic field, institution and date of all education above high school diploma.

  2. Work Experience: List dates, employers and location of professional positions held, beginning with current position or last position held (if retired).

  3. Professional Service: List memberships and offices held in professional societies and honourary organizations and service on professional and technical committees.

  4. Honours and Awards: List all honours, and awards received and designate whether local, regional or national. List these chronologically and give descriptions of them.

  5. Publications: List and group all relevant publications by refereed journal, conference and workshop proceedings, book chapters, university or institutional publications and magazine type articles.

Documents if nominee is an agency, institution, company, or group:

  1. Background Information: Location and structure, involvement in reclamation and environmental matters and relevant information related to land reclamation and the CLRA/ACRSD.

  2. Honours and Awards: Details of all awards with background information on the nature of the award, who gave the award, whether it was local, regional or national and the date given.

  3. Publication and Presentations: List recent publications and presentations relevant to the I
    N-TECH Reclamation Award, such as where presented, where published, name of conference or workshop, year given, name of authors, as appropriate.


Describe the overall achievements and impact the nominee has had in the field of land reclamation in Canada over an extended period. Provide specific examples to ensure that the committee can identify the importance of the accomplishment(s). Emphasis should be placed on describing how these accomplishments influenced regulation, reclamation, development of personnel and/or students, reclamation technology, resource protection or conservation and/or the advancement of the CLRA/ACRSD over an extended period.

Publications listed may be referenced as part of the narrative on the nominee but should not constitute more than half the justification section.

This section should be a maximum of three single spaced pages with one-inch margins in Arial 11 size font.

Support Letters

A minimum of two and a maximum of four letters should be included to further support the nomination. These letters should be written by persons familiar with the role the individual has played in recent years or through their career.

The persons writing the letters should identify their relationship with the nominee and indicate the time span over which they have been aware of the individual’s work and their ability to evaluate it. The letter can be from a member or non-member of the CLRA/ACRSD but cannot be from a member of the Award Selection Committee.

Supporting letters for an agency, institution, company, or group could be from some of the following: a conservation authority, a municipality, an elected politician, provincial or federal government staff, an environmental group or a special purpose body, as appropriate.

Accepting Nominations: January 1
Nomination Deadline: December 31

Please email info@clra.ca to inquire.

Jack Winch

Phil Lulman

Jack Thirgood

Tom Peters

Sarah Lowe

no recipient

Roger Berdusco

Gordon Boutilier

Edward Watkin

Donald Klym

Kieth Winterhalder

Robert Michelutti

Margarete Kalin

no recipient

Peter Beckett

M. Anne Naeth

no recipient

Al Fedkenheuer

Bob Gardiner

Terry Macyk

Chris Powter

Martin Fung

Sherry Yundt

John Errington

Carol Jones

no recipient

David Polster

Bryan Tisch

Line Rochefort

Bill Price

William Mackasey

Robert Rutherford

no recipient

no recipient

no recipient

no recipient

Bruce Anderson

Michele Coleman

no recipient

no recipient

Bob Pett (Individual), Nova Scotia Lands Inc. (Group)

Clinton (Clint) Smyth (Individual),
Peatland Ecology Research Group (PERG) (Group)