clra | acrsd

Introducing the 2023-2024 CLRA National Board

The Canadian Land Reclamation Association/Association canadienne de réhabilitation des sites dégradés (CLRA/ACRSD) Board is pleased to announce Kelly Zadko, Vice President Business Development at North Shore Environmental Consultants Inc. as our new President. Kelly will be leading the National Chapter and its Board of Directors to promote Canadian reclamation and remediation practitioners as world innovators and leaders in the environmental field.

Mrs. Zadko has more than 24 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. Currently, she manages high-level projects for oil and gas clients including acquisitions and divestitures, liability assessments, asset retirement calculations, as well as SiteView® implementation and training. Kelly’s experience includes coordination and management of multiple oil and gas portfolios, mentoring, and senior review of company documents and reports. Kelly has managed a number of complex environmental projects involving challenging stakeholders and multiple levels of government.

For the past 6 years, Kelly was a Director and then President of the CLRA Alberta Chapter. She helped support the Chapter in various capacities. As President, she supported the strategy to bring the Chapter from a working operational Board to a governance board. She has been on the National Board for the past 4 years, 3 years as a Director, and has been the Vice President of the National from 2022-2023. She looks forward to stepping into the President role and supporting the Canadian Chapters with growth, advocacy, and resources to support CLRA Canada.

We would also to welcome back Maria Kudienko to the CLRA as the Awards Committee Chair. Maria is a Professional Agrologist with over 20 years of environmental consulting experience for oil and gas, mining, forestry, transportation, and other industries. She has served on the CLRA Alberta Chapter Board since 2017. When her term ended, she remained a volunteer and a key member of the Technical Committee to organize the AGM until 2021.

Your CLRA/ACRSD Board of Directors for 2023-2024 are the following:

  • Kelly Zadko, President

  • Fannie Desrosiers, Interim Treasurer/Past-President

  • Stephanie DeRuiter, Secretary

  • Abby van der Jagt, Director/Atlantic Chapter President

  • Adam Ceccheto, Director/Ontario Chapter President

  • Amber Flamand, Director (NEW)/Alberta Chapter President

  • Lucie Labbé, Director/Quebéc Chapter President

  • Todd Clause, Director/Saskatchewan Chapter President

  • Ian Young, Manitoba Chapter Representative

  • Justin Straker, British Columbia Chapter Representative

  • Maria Kudienko, Awards Committee Chair

Thank you to our outgoing board members, Elissa Ferguson and Kevin Hunsche for their years of service with the CLRA. Elissa served as Treasurer with the Atlantic Chapter for 2 years and 4 years nationally. Kevin served as a Director with the Alberta Chapter for 6 years and 12 years nationally, with 5 years as the Awards Committee Chair.

Get to know what we do or get in touch at the link below.

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