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2019 CLRA National Conference & AGM/TRCR Annual Reclamation Symposium Presentations & Proceedings

Event Recap

Day 1 (Sept 16) started the conference off with a workshop on ‘Landform Design for Sustainable Mine Reclamation’.

Day 2 (Sept 17) was a fabulous and highly informative tour of the former Sullivan Mine in Kimberley, British Columbia. Sullivan Mine was once a major producer of zinc, lead, and silver. After operating for nearly 100 years, it is now an example of a successful mine closure — a process that included collaboration between Teck and the local community of Kimberley to create lasting benefits.

Day 3 & 4 (Sept 18 & 19) were the ‘Technical Paper Presentations’ and Annual Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CLRA) and BC Mine Reclamation and Awards Banquet at the Kimberley Conference Centre.

A huge thank you to the BC TRCR organizing committee for having the CLRA join forces to put on the 2019 conference.

Presentations & Proceedings

A Non-Biological Option for SE Removal by Photocatalytic Reduction of Selenate in Mine-Impacted Water Containing High Concentrations of Sulfate and Nitrate
A. Holmes | K. Giesinger | J. Ye | E. Milan | A. Ngan | F. Gu

Application of SWOT – C Analysis and State-and-Transition Modeling to the Design of Reclamation Plans for Abandoned or Operating Mines in British Columbia
C.R. Smyth, Ph.D., R.P.Bio., P.Biol., CERP. | V. Krebs, M.Sc.

Beneficial Reuse of Municipal Biosolids as Low-Permeability, Low Cost Oxygen Barrier in Capillary Barrier Covers for Reactive Mine Tailings
C.M. Hey, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. | P.H.Simms, P.Eng., Ph.D.

Benthic Invertebrate Community Recovery in A Remediated Stream
Katharina Batchelar, M.Sc., R.P.Bio | Pierre Stecko, M.Sc, EP, R.P.Bio | Colleen Hughes, EP2

Biochemical Reactor System at the Brule Mine: A Semi-Passive Approach to Operational and Post-Closure Selenium and Nitrate Reduction
Trudy Miller, E.I.T. | Michelle Marshall, M.Sc., M.B.A., E.P. | Guy Gilron, M.Sc. | R.P.Bio., ICD.D

Challenges and Solutions to Meeting Indigenous and Stakeholder Mine Closure Objectives in a Remote, High Alpine Environment
Mario Bianchin, Ph.D., P.Geo. | Elizabeth Fillatre Miller, M.Sc., R.P.Bio. | Jeremiah Gladu, P.Ag., CSAP | Dean Wall, M.Sc., P.Eng.

Design, Construction, and Performance of a Passive Water Management System at the Abandoned Atlin Ruffner Mine
Ryan Mills, M.Sc., P.Geo. | Graham Walker, P.Eng. | Kun Jia, M.Sc., G.I.T. | Mehrnoush Javadi, Ph.D. | Joanna Runnells, M.Env.Sc., P.Geo., EP | Lily Whitehead- Delong, M.Sc., P.Geo.

Fording River Habitat Rehabilitation Near the Concrete Arch Bridge
Robinson, M.D. | Gaboury, M | C. Sutherland

Geochemical Challenges Associated with Water Treatment at Abandoned or Neglected Mines in Southeast Yukon
D.K. Rainey, Ph.D., P.Geo.

Hydrogeological Assessment for Mitigation of Groundwater Discharge to a Creek in a Confined Valley: Part 1 of 2 Case Study from the Former Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC
Stefan A. Humphries, M.Sc., P.Geo. | Ryan Peterson, M.Sc.

Innovative Design and Deep Trench Excavation for a Groundwater Collection Improvement Project: Part 2 of 2 Case Study from the Former Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC
Daniel R. Schneider | Ryan Peterson, M.Sc.

Johnny Mountain Mine Reclamation: Unraveling the BC Permitting Process
Jessy Chaplin, MSc., RPBio., P.Ag.

Let Nature Do the Work: Effective Strategies for the Restoration of Drastically Disturbed Sites
David Polster, M.Sc. R.P.Bio. CERP

Machine Learning on the Correlation Between Weather Condition and Seepage Rate: A Case Study on 20 Years Monitoring Data from a Waste Rock Dump
L. Ma, Dr. | C. Huang, Dr. | Z. Liu. Dr. | K. Morin Dr. | M. Aziz | C. Meints

Managing Soil and Groundwater Risks at Mine Sites: A British Columbia Regulatory Overview
Jeremiah Gladu, P.Ag., CSAP | Mario Bianchin, Ph.D., P.Geo.

Mining Reclamation 101: Acquisition to Reclamation – Former Johnny Mountain Mine Case Study
Elizabeth Fillatre Miller, M.Sc., R.P.Bio | Kevin Hidber, AScT | Michael Van Arem, R.P.F | Mike Skurski, P.E | R. Brent Murphy, MSc., P.Geo (NWT) | Jessy Chaplin, M.Sc., R.P.Bio

Opportunities for Using Pulp Mill Residues in Mine Remediation
Suellen Satyro | Carolina Gasparini | Susan A. Baldwin

Opportunities of Microbial Geochemistry in the Bioremediation of Mine-Impacted Water
Rachel James, M.Sc. | Silvia Mancini, Ph.D., P.Geo. | Andrzej Przepiora, M.Sc. | Trevor Carlson B.Sc. | Karen Bechard, M.Sc. | Florent Risacher, M.Sc. | Sandra Dworatzek, M.Sc.

Remedial Options Evaluation for The Abandoned Atlin Ruffner Mine
Ryan Mills, M.Sc., P.Geo. | Kun Jia, M.Sc., G.I.T. | Mehrnoush Javadi, Ph.D. | Joanna Runnells, M.Env.Sc., P.Geo., EP | Lily Whitehead-Delong, M.Sc., P.Geo.